Università telematica internazionale UNINETTUNO


Showcase: Agrolabo S.p.a.

Description: Agrolabo has adopted a Cloud backup service after being after having suffered a serious computer attack

Tags: Backup as a Service, Ramsoware virus, Security

Showcase: Arte Consultores

Description: Arte is an ICT company developing information systems, offering innovative technology solutions based on open standards and Cloud Computing

Tags: Cloud Computing, SMEs, Open standards

Showcase: Cloud4health

Description: Cloud4health now opens completely new opportunities to access this information from electronic patient records and use it to expand medical knowledge

Tags: Electronic patient records, Data warehouse technologies, Medical knowledge

Showcase: CloudCumputing.PT

Description: CloudComputing.PT business project provides innovative technological services and adds value to the business market in the areas of Mobility, Security and Cloud Computing

Tags: Infrastructure for Mobility, Mobile solutions

Showcase: Ecan Solutions

Description: Ecan Solutions is a company specialized in providing comprehensive technical, logistic and fiscal B2C solutions in the Cloud

Tags: Consultancy, E-commerce, Business to Consumer solutions

Showcase: Formazionedigitale.cloud

Description: Formazionedigitale is a research project aiming at innovating technological and methodological online training offer

Tags: xAPI, Online learning, Content as a Service, CMI-5 standards, Digital Learning Resources

Showcase: GrammarChecker

Description: GrammarChecker is a project developed by the spin-off OnlySolutions to help students learning English by detecting and correcting mistakes in their writing

Tags: Cloud, University, Spin-off, Language learning

Showcase: Kimera IT

Description: Kimera IT is a SME and a Cloud Services provider, offering cloud services, security monitoring and business continuity solutions

Tags: Cloud provider, Security monitoring, Business continuity solutions

Showcase: Libelium

Description: Overview of the advantages of the use of cloud computing on a SME for development of Internet of Things devices

Tags: Cloud, Libelium, Internet of Things

Showcase: Peer Energy Cloud

Description: Peer Energy Cloud consortium benefiths from the cloud for providing services in the energy sector

Tags: Cloud services, Energy, "Trusted Cloud" prize

Showcase: Petapilot

Description: Petapilot develops products and technology platforms for data analysis, mainly Business Intelligence solutions, Big Data, Cloud Computing and fraud detection

Tags: Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing

Showcase: SealedCloud

Description: Sealed Cloud is a technically sealed data center that protects applications against spies, externally and internally

Tags: Cloud Security, Data Storage, Data Security, Perimeter Security, Encryption

Showcase: SingularFactory

Description: Singular Factory develops and deploys businesses in the cloud, providing innovative software projects management, user interfaces, social health apps.

Tags: Cloud for business, Innovative software projects management, User interfaces

Showcase: SmartCloudPT

Description: SmartCloudPT is one of the largest data centres in the world, run by Portugal Telecom

Tags: Security, Certification, Innovation and sustainability

Showcase: UNIVERSITAS XXI in Cloud

Description: UNIVERSITAS XXI is a comprehensive software solution of University Management, recently including Cloud based services

Tags: University management, Cloud services, Cloud Computing environment

Showcase: Veneto Strade

Description: Veneto Strade has shifted to the Cloud to efficiently manage is large networks of roads

Tags: Cloud Computing, Road management, Road security

Showcase: Venturini

Description: Venturini is the leading private operator in Italy in providing solutions and services for the development, management and submission of documents

Tags: Disaster Recovery as a Service, Cloud Computing, Data center



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Last Events

Final Project Meeting: 20-21 June 2017 - Rome (Italy) National stakeholders meeting at UNED: 11 November 2016 - Madrid (Spain)
Third Project Meeting: 03-04 November 2016 - Caparica (Portugal)

You can find more info (and pictures) of events and project meetings in our Facebook Page


You can find a weekly collection of news about Cloud applications, services and best practices in our Newsmagazine page.

IN-CLOUD Newsmagazine

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