IN-CLOUD - Activities and Results
O2 - IN-CLOUD Qualifications
Leader: Effebi
Co-leader: Lisburn Enterprise Organisation
The output consists of a set of qualifications in the area of cloud computing. These qualifications, designed according to the European lifelong learning instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET), will allow the students of the project to acquire certifications that can be spent in the labour market.
• O2/A1 – Qualification design - Responsible: Effebi
• O2/A2 – Methods for validation of Learning Outcomes - Responsible: Lisburn Enterprise Organisation
• O2/A3 – Accumulation and transfer instruments - Responsible: Effebi
• O2/A4 – Validation of accumulation and transfer instruments - Responsible: Effebi
Working documents are available only to project partners in the restricted area.
The IN-CLOUD Professional Qualifications developed are in line with the European Lifelong Learning instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET) to allow their recognition and usability at European level. For more information, click here.
To get a full description of the IN-CLOUD Professional Qualifications according to the ECVET framework, click here.